invitation to
The Racketlon World Championships

31 Oct-2 Nov, 2003, in Alelyckan Sport Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden


Who is the best racket player in the world?


Racketlon is the sport in which you challenge your opponent in each of the four racket sports table tennis, squash, badminton and tennis. A racketlon match contains four sets, one in each sport. Each set is played to 21 points, much like it used to be in table tennis, but the winner is not the one that wins most sets but the one that scores the most points in total. The winner is the best all-round racket player.

Gothenburg Racketlon World Open in November 2001 was the first ever international racketlon competition. In 2002 the event was back, now recognized by the newly established International Racketlon Federation as the first official Racketlon World Championships. Again, the tournament was recognized as the best Racketlon competition ever played, featuring around 100 players from 8 different nations including some top international names from the individual racket sports.

Gothenburg Racketlon World Open, 2003, again recognized by the IRF as the official World Championships, builds on the experience from the two initial years and takes this unbeatable concept one step further. This time it constitutes the peak of a Racketlon World Tour, covering eight tournaments in six countries and is expected to attract an international field of participants of unprecedented quality. Welcome to find out if you are a top international racketlon player! (If you are not there is a category for you too.)


Ladies Elite, Ladies Amateurs (Beginners), Men Elite, Men Class 1, Men Amateurs (Beginners), Men Juniors (under 20 years of age), Men Old Boys (45 or older), National Team Event (for teams with three men and one lady). Plate tournaments will be arranged; All participants are guaranteed at least two matches. Non-Swedish players are guaranteed three.

Apply now already! Application deadline is not until 17. October, but space is limited and the earlier you register the smaller the risk that we have to reject your application. Also, you may withdraw up until application deadline. You register by means of a simple e-mail to We need your name, presumed class, e-mail address (important!), street address and telephone number. Fee: 390 Skr (ca: US$39)

For more information, for example an introduction to the game of racketlon, visit the web page, or send an e-mail to


Please help us spread this news! Print this web page and post it in a racket centre near you. E-mail your friends about our web page and link to it from your web site. We are particularily keen to welcome participants from outside Sweden. Our Swedish and Finnish racketlon elites need some serious competition! Perhaps you know someone who has that potential? Then give us an e-mail tip. Would you like to sponsor this event? Please, send us an e-mail!